Thursday, August 12, 2010

Time to kick the Can

Time to kick the Can.....

....the soda can that is.  For a long time now I've known that sodas probably weren't the best thing to drink. I guess I made excuses for the habit by trying to drink more water.  Even with this knowledge I still felt comfortable drinking a soda or two while cooking dinner.  So after reading several posts from some wonderful gals, they really got me thinking about my soda consumption.  Did you know that gals who drink soda, especially DIET (didn't see that one coming huh? I didn't either) are more likely to be over weight. There is so much data out there preaching against sodas, pops, cokes, however you say it, that its just not worth it to me to put that stuff in my body anymore.  Especially since it robs your bones of precious calcium, and with my family history, I need all the calcium I can get.  I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just suggesting you research what you are putting into your body, because, in essence, you are what you eat/drink.
   As my research and prayer goes, I am looking to cut and add other things to my and my families diet.  But for now, this is what I am starting with for myself.  

If you would like to see where I got some of my soda information you can go to and you can find Saving Dinner on

God Bless,


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good Morning,

I have for a long time felt the urge to blog and this is finally the fruits of that urge. Right now I am just playing with my page to see how it looks with the posts up. I can't wait to get this started!

God Bless,


Help-meet to Paul.
Mama to 5 blessings.