Monday, September 20, 2010

Update on the Kickin the can....

Things were rocky at first, but I think I'm finally making headway!  :D I will admit that I have had a soda or two recently, but we are no longer keeping them in our house and my dear, sweet, beloved has told me he is cutting his soda consumption down as well! Yippeee :D My new challenge is to find something to do with my stress when I'm in the kitchen now.  As I've been on this journey, I've realized how much I really consume because of my emotions.  I am one that doesn't do well with disorganization, and I am SO TOTALLY disorganized! (Shaking head) So,... when I stopped drinking sodas I found myself eating instead.  Sounds silly right?, eating while cooking a family meal, well, it happens.  I may try chewing gum for a while to see if that helps with the craving to put something in my mouth.  As I slay that dragon, I'm gonna need to focus on what I need to do to keep my stress levels down.  Hmmm, as I'm thinking on paper I realized I have a radio in my kitchen..... If you know me, you know I love to sing ( shhhh and don't tell anyone, but I love to dance too.) I might have to take advantage of that and instead of listening to Christian talk radio, which I have come to love, I'm gonna have to start boogieing to the music. Singing to the Lord God Almighty, who knows exactly what I'm going through relieves stress for me.  I need to remember to take all of my stress, frustration, and comparing myself to my Betty Crocker herself to the cross.  Food is not the place I'm going to find the answers to all of my problems or even the place to resolve my emotional issues, its in Christ's loving arms that I will find all that I need, even if He's in the kitchen with me.


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    Well done for starting this Blog. I started one ages ago but havent done anything with it as Im just not very good at computer stuff. I need some time with my sons to show me How!
    Anyway I just want to encourage you with your new healthy regime. When I read this post I could relate so much believe me. Tho Ive never drunk Sodas, I have struggled with not eating whilst Cooking meals, so really I always ended up eating two meals. Ive struggled big time with emotional eating, turning to quick and very usually unhealthy foods in a crisis time. It just begins that cycle of overeating, overweight and feeling helpless and disorganised. Boy do I know it!!
    Anyway after being uncomfortable most days in my stomach, and bowel, I decided Enough was enough. I knew about the Blood Type Diet, and decided to look into it. Basically you find out what blood type you are, and there are certain foods that each blood type just shouldnt eat. I printed off a list, and got going. I do feel so much better for doing it, though havent been doing it for long. I no longer have the bad stomach pains and bloating, and my Irritable Bowel syndrome seems so much better. I think because its not a diet to lose weight( and beleive me Ive tried many) Im finding myself wanting to stick to it for my healths sake not my weights sake. But if you Do follow it correctly you will naturally lose weight and get back to your more natural weight for your build. Ive lost a bit so far but that wasnt the intension, it was to get my body working in harmony with the foods Im putting in it, to get rid of the uncomfortable symptoms of eating the wrong foods. If you are interested, put in a search for Blood Type Diet and I followed a sight by a
    God Bless Jennifer and I will be praying for you on this new seasons journey.

  2. Great job on kicking the can! I love your idea of singing while in the kitchen. Even more than the gum idea (since most have aspertame). Doing something to glorify God with your mouth instead sounds sooooo dear.

    blessings to you!

  3. Keep up the great job with choosing better choices for your health...remember...
    Good, better, best
    Never let it rest
    Til your good is better
    and your better is best!!
